Northern Michigan Kids Excel In Martial Arts - And 2014 Looks Even Brighter
As 2013 comes to an end ... and 2014 gets underway what lies ahead is the unknown. Challenges, struggles, adventures and great opportunities await each and every child in Traverse City. Martial arts is best the extracurricular activity to prepare the next generation for the future. Black Belts every year spring out of Northern Michigan to take on the world at college, jobs and travel. They go forth with real life skills for the real world.
What Martial Arts Gives A Kid
Confidence - Feeling great about oneself. Knowing that you can handle any challenge even though new and daunting. Martial arts builds great confidence. In the Child Taekwondo Class at the Seung-ni Martial Arts Academy in Traverse City kids build their self esteem by setting goals, working towards goals and feeling great when they achieve their objectives. Kicks, punches, Korean words, forms and self defense moves must all be learned, practiced and performed to earn new rank belts. This confidence is paramount in giving your child that extra leg up in life.
Grit - An old school idea of tenacity and work ethic that sometimes seems all but lost in today's society of XBox, Computers, TV and social media. But we all know as adults that you need grit to be successful in life. Martial arts teaches grit. Students are confronted with ever increasingly more difficult moves and techniques as they progress through their training. This constant and scientific approach means each student has to work harder and not give up - i.e., "GRIT"
Self Defense - Traverse City is relatively protected from the world that is true. But anger, violence and ignorance tends to seep unfortunately into everywhere and you must equip your own child with the tools to survive. Self defense is a life skill that every kid in Northern Michigan could use. A young teenage female martial arts student has the ability to say "no" and back it up. In fact, the Women's Self Defense program at the Seung-ni Studio is one of our most popular classes. And, a young man should be able to stand up to bullying with confidence. Martial art is not about hurting others - it is about protecting yourself.
Unbreakable Peer Pressure Armor - Friends come up with dumb ideas. Try smoking, drink alcohol. drug use, sex, stealing, skipping school, bullying -- stupid suggestions are everywhere for teenagers in Traverse City. The pressure to be accepted by one's peer group is immense. Training in martial arts gives students an identity that is separate and apart from their normal social peer group at school. Black belts in martial arts can stand up to this peer pressure and make good decisions -- and so can your kid! In the Teen Taekwondo Class at the Seung-ni Traverse City Studio the instructors often read to class the stories of the old Samurai and Bruce Lee and of their ardent character.
2014 is upon. Kids and teenagers in Traverse City and Northern Michigan have so much in front of them. Martial arts training can give them that little extra advantage to confront what lies ahead with Confidence, Grit, Self Defense and Unbreakable Peer Pressure Armor!