Martial Arts and School: The Benefits of Children Training While Taking Classes

With summer vacation coming to an end and school starting up again many parents are looking for extra-curricular activities for their sons and daughters. While this may be easier solved with older children, younger ones do not have many options when it comes for activities outside school. An activity that can be done by any age is martial arts which can help younger kids learn social skills and even aid in the school year's challenges.
Traverse City's Seung-Ni Martial Arts Academy provides kids of all ages the best environment to train and learn Taekwondo in Northern Michigan. Whether a child has yet to start school or is in Preschool or Kindergarten, little ones can learn manners and social skills in Little Ninjas and Little Dragons. Kids in grade school and even teenagers can train and learn discipline, responsibility, and gain confidence in Child Taekwondo and Teen Taekwondo classes.
Why choose martial arts for an after school activity? School can bring a lot of challenged to a child; socializing, confidence, homework, and maybe even bullying. The Master Black Belt Instructors teach students how to overcome all these obstacles through daily lessons and exercises. The academy also has monthly assignments known as SWAT (Special Winning Attitude Team) Homework with each month focusing on a certain character trait such as being thankful or doing chores. With the daily lessons and monthly homework students are sure to pick up traits that are invaluable not only in school but the real world as well.
If you or someone you know in the Northern Michigan area has children interested in martial arts please contact Seung-Ni Martial Arts Academy at (231) 932-4300 or visit us online at